Monday, February 2, 2009

News: February, 2009

What a month! We have completely reorganized the American History section for high school by subdividing the NYSDE Regents Curriculum Outline into 20 separate and distinct units (or chapters) of study. This change is designed to correlate to the precise units of study implemented by high school social studies teachers. Much remains to be done, but what a terrific beginning!

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Tip: eBay for Teaching Supplies

We would like to mention that we LOVE eBay. Not just love, but adore. For example, we maintain subscriptions to magazines like National Geographic for the neat articles and great maps. But were you aware that huge lots of National Geographic maps are available on eBay for around $20? When you figure in the shipping charges, buying a lot of maps equates to about $1 per map. Just log into eBay and do a search for "NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC MAP" and lots of listings will pop up.

Do you have a money-saving tip to share? Leave a comment!

Student Handouts, Inc.