Happy holidays! It is December, and the season of shopping is upon us. You'd be surprised by how much money we can spend while taking mini-breaks from working on this website!
So much has happened with this site in the last month. We have been updating individual pages, which has created a few glitches. If a page looks a bit wonky, have no fear...we are working on the problem.
We are also working to improve and increase our interactive vocabulary games. It's a lot of work, but we as well as you want to have online vocabulary games for each of our college-prep vocabulary lists. This task is underway, and we will hopefully make a lot more progress by the new year.
As you know, the educational image galleries continue to grow. Keep your fingers crossed that we maintain our momentum!
We have likewise changed the layout of a few pages, particularly the citations and graphic organizers. Some of you have reported back that the pages load more quickly, which is terrific. We were hoping for this. We were also trying to mix things up a bit by making the individual web pages more varied. The "same" is good for the most part, in terms of users always being able to find the information they need on a page, but a little diversity helps to keep the eyes from tiring.