Friday, October 25, 2013

Macedonia, Alexander the Great, and the Hellenistic World - Workbook Answer Key

Here is the answer key for the World History Series workbook "Macedonia, Alexander the Great, and the Hellenistic World" available here via CurrClick. Click here for the complete list of titles in this series.
  1. Alexander came to power following his father's murder
  2. Answers will vary, and may include: Egypt, Greece, Persia (Iran), Babylonia (Iraq), India/Pakistan
  3. Answers will vary
  4. Also known as pan-Hellenism; the spread of Greek culture beyond Greece
  5. Answers will vary; description of Euclid, Archimedes, Eratosthenes, Aristarchus, or Hipparchus
  6. Answers will vary; description of Cynicism, Stoicism, or Epicureanism
  7. Answers will vary
  8. Reliance on slavery and continuous warfare among the Greek city-states
  9. Six of the following: Adriatic Sea, Mediterranean Sea, Aegean Sea, Black Sea, Red Sea, Caspian Sea, Persian Gulf, Arabian Sea

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

 Australian Cities in ABC Order Worksheet - This free printable worksheet has students put the names of 15 Australian cities into alphabetical (ABC) order.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Diddle Diddle Dumpling

This free printable handwriting practice worksheet features the popular children's nursery rhyme "Diddle Diddle Dumpling."

Diddle, diddle, dumpling, my son John,
Went to bed with his stockings on;
One shoe off, and one shoe on,
Diddle, diddle, dumpling, my son John.

Click here.

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Who was Henry VIII?

Who was Henry VIII? Find out with this free printable worksheet. A short reading is followed by four questions. Designed for students in grades 7-12, this worksheet on England's Henry VIII and his six wives will also work for advanced fifth- and sixth-graders. Henry VIII Reading Worksheet

Thursday, May 2, 2013

May 2013 Website News

Read all about it! Check out the latest news and updates for Student Handouts here.

Video History of the Western World

Here's a neat YouTube video. It features a map of the "Old World" (Europe, northeastern Africa, and southwestern Asia) and the region's changing boundaries between the year 1000 C.E. and 2000 C.E. (roughly the past thousand years). It's just shy of nine minutes in length.

Watched on its own by students, it's not particularly useful. And it would work a lot better if the changing dates appeared in a large font, perhaps on top of some of the unneeded blue space. But when used by teachers, this video has great educative value. "What empire dominated southwestern Asia in the 1300s?" "Where was the 'Golden Horde' dominant in the 1400s?" "What empire was waning as Portugal and Spain became independent kingdoms?" It's a great opportunity to show students what was going on elsewhere (outside of a particular country or area being studied), and how these 'outside' events impact events within nations.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013


I recently came across this video from Ted Talks. It features 13-year-old Logan LaPlante discussing "hackschooling."

So what is hackschooling?

It's roughly equivalent to the "unschooling" movement in homeschooling. Instead of a strict curriculum in the basics, Logan is given access to varied learning experiences centered around his interests. Logan loves skiing, and interned with a skiing equipment manufacturer, for example. Logan's hackschooling is pretty interesting.

No doubt, given how articulate and mature he is, his parents have done a terrific job. But just how practical is it? That is, how many parents could afford to fund this sort of education, let alone devote the time to it that it would require?

How many of you do a bit of "hackschooling"? Do you have examples of doing so affordably, in a way that doesn't cost a fortune paying for trips out of state?

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Cutesy vs. Practical Worksheets

There are a lot of terrific worksheets and printables available on the internet, and not just from this website. Just like you, we love finding a terrific worksheet online that we know our students will love. But sometimes, we find ourselves frustrated by the overwhelming graphics.

Sometimes, the printable that looks terrific on the computer monitor is completely impractical in real life. Cutesy graphics take up most of the writing space, while simultaneously using a lot of ink to print.

It sometimes seems that teachers and companies making worksheets have either never worked in a school, or worked in one with an enormous printing budget! At every school I’ve worked in, the problem wasn’t getting enough paper—which is general inexpensive these days. The problem was with the cost of ink cartridges for the school’s printers and photocopiers.

It’s so aggravating to print something and realize that making a classroom set will use up half of the school’s ink reserves! And of course, like I already mentioned, butterflies floating across the page are adorable, but they leave little room for students to write.

How do you balance the need to capture student interest with a worksheet with the need to save on printing costs?

Friday, March 1, 2013

Easter Clip Art Gallery

Check out our free Easter clip art. These adorable pictures are great for adding to worksheets, powerpoints, websites, newsletters, and more. Each Easter-themed image is available in black, pink, or blue.

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Curriculum Counts: Fulfilling the Promise of the Common Core State Standards

New York, NY (February 28, 2013) - A panel of educational leaders met at the Harvard Club today to discuss implementation of the Common Core in schools across the United States as part of Curriculum Counts: Fulfilling the Promise of the Common Core State Standards.

Sol Stern of City Journal introduced the group, which included Merryl Tisch, Tony Bennett, Linda Bevilacqua, and Kathleen Porter-Magee.

Beginning with Sol Stern, the discussion panel advocated for implementation of the Common Core; differences in members' opinions dealt with how the Common Core should be implemented, as well as creating accurate student assessments.  

Guests heard a succinct history of the movement, from its conception under E.D. Hirsch, founder and chairperson of the Core Knowledge Foundation.

Continue reading

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Free Martin Luther King Day Printables for Kids in K-12

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Day will be celebrated in the United States on Monday, January 21, 2013. To help kids of all ages learn about this amazing figure in U.S. history, we have several worksheets, puzzles, and much more. All of these educational items are free to print. Enjoy, and keep the dream alive!

Martin Luther King Day Free Printables

Free Printable Worksheets for Holidays throughout the Year

Overwhelmed with holiday gift cards? Sell them for cash!

This isn't so much an educational tip as an "FYI" tip for our readers. If you're like us, you ended up with a lot of gift cards this holiday season. Typically, gift cards can't be exchanged for cash at the store. If it's not a retailer you normally use, this can be a problem. Luckily, we've found four great sites that let you cash in on your unwanted holiday and birthday gift cards.

Plastic Jungle You click "Sell Now" and enter the information on your gift card. The site tells you what percentage will be paid in advance. For example, it says it will give me 84% of the value of my Bed, Bath, and Beyond gift card. It looks like they just take the card number, without needing the physical card.

Card Pool This site offers to send me a check for $82.00 for a $100.00 BB&B gift card, and will cover the shipping costs. It looks like they want the physical card, rather than just the number.

Gift Card Rescue This site offers $80.00 cash or an $84.00 Amazon gift card for my $100.00 BB&B gift card.

Card Woo This site offers up to 90% of the card's value, but it looks like I'll have to register before getting an offer on my card.

It's nice to know that unwanted gift cards won't be wasted! Then again, seeing that we can instantly save a nice percentage off a purchase by buying a discounted gift card first, this little exercise might end up costing more than it saves! Then again, if we use our purchased gift cards for things we would have bought anyway, there's no harm.

Can anyone remember the days before the internet, when getting a discount was a rare treat? Between sites like these, GroupOn, Amazon Local,, etc., we haven't paid retail since the last millennium!

If you have any other tips on how to stretch a teacher's salary, please let us know.

Friday, January 4, 2013

World History

Our World History pages have a new look. It's now easier to access the main list of World History-Global Studies units from each sub-page. We've also added lots of new teaching materials to the sub-pages, so check them out.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

World Religions Image Gallery

We have a new map and picture gallery, this one focusing on the beliefs, development, and practices of the world's religions.

World Religions Map and Picture Gallery

All of the major religions are covered--Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Islam, Judaism, Sikhism, etc. Please don't hesitate to contact us if you have any suggestions.